
Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

Welcome to yoox store,! We strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers. Please read through our shop policies to ensure a smooth and pleasant shopping experience.

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

. Initiating a Refund Request

Contact the Seller: Buyers should first contact the seller directly through our messaging system to explain the issue and request a refund. Sellers are expected to respond within 48 hours. Provide Evidence: Buyers may be required to provide photos or other evidence of the defect or damage to support their refund request.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

Return Shipping

Responsibility for Costs: Return shipping costs are typically the responsibility of the buyer unless the seller's policy states otherwise or the item is defective or damaged. Return Instructions: The seller will provide return instructions, including the return address and any specific requirements for the return shipment.